Failure = The End?
Olivia Yi (ISB G10)
Olivia Yi is a worried sophomore who is tired of people criticizing her and calling it as “helpful advice” (eye roll). This article is dedicated for all the uncertain dreamers who are struggling to fight for their visions and a warning for those who dare to interrupt them!
Today, society tells us that we should “never give up on our dreams.” However, would this be worth it? Countless historical figures were constantly challenged when they followed the inspirational quote. So, should you encourage others to become an innovator, knowing the pain they will face? Or should you drag them down into a much “safer side”?
Once Steve Jobs quoted, “Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity — not a threat.” However, innovators might face challenges due to their “unique minds” and the limited thoughts of those “normal” people. Galileo Galilei, who proved the sun was the center of the solar system, was heavily challenged by the Catholic Church and forced to live the rest of his life under house arrest. Pablo Picasso had to burn a considerable number of his paintings to keep his apartment warm. Thomas Edison was criticized by the British Parliament Committee for his high bulb being “good enough for our Transatlantic friends... but unworthy of the attention of practical or scientific men.”
In this discussion of being an innovator, there are two main sides: being safe and trying new things. The majority of humans naturally have the incline to feel safe and to fit in. They know that being the black sheep would result in criticism, backtalk, and scandals. However, there is also the psychology of trying new things. In a unique situation, the brain is stimulated, helping motivation and concentration, precious life skills. Human minds have the instinct to play safe but also the desire to try something new and unique. However, many hesitate to follow their genuine desire and instincts out of fear of failure.
If you decided to take the risk, ignore the fear of failure, and follow your true desire, remember that it is your life, and your choices will be met by consequences. If you see your friend taking a risk, as long as it is safe and helps them develop, encourage them. They know how ridiculous their idea is, whether it is a field they want to major in, an idea they have for a science fair, their artwork for an art class. If you were to say something that would possibly offend them, don’t you dare say it. There is a boundary between being honest and rude. Words ruin the chance to create an innovator and a chance for society to solve conflicts. Although being realistic is essential, if you see someone trying to achieve their dream, a little white lie is harmless and could significantly change someone’s life. For dreamers, constructive criticism is a helpful way, and one should be carefully considering it. It would guide you to the right path yet follow the goal you want to achieve. However, negative comments of what they call “reality” or extremely discouraging statements are not worth your time and energy. No one is qualified to say anything or interfere between the path of present self and your future self as it is your life, and You Only Live Once.
“If you decided to take the risk, ignore the fear of failure, and follow your true desire, remember that it is your life, and your choices will be met by consequences.”
You, your friends, your parents, your teachers, and the guy you see every day in the elevator when you leave your house, or even your dog, would have heard of the saying: “Hard work always leads to success~~” Oh, how wrong this quote is! In life, no matter how hard you try, there will always be a failure. No matter what you do, there will always be failure. Although the moment of defeat is painful, failure is often unavoidable. However, failure might lead to a more significant outcome, an even better one.
In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, when Harry saw Voldemort come back, the public did not believe him. At first, Harry fails to protect himself when his professor, Dolores Umbridge, publicly shames and abuses him. However, he eventually defends himself and persuades the public to believe him. Death eaters started attacking the Wizarding and Muggle world, bringing death marks, dark skies, and mysterious deaths everywhere, forcing the ministry to acknowledge it. This example in the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix teaches us one thing: failure is not the end. It is just a short-term obstacle and part of the progress that leads to the end, your ultimate goal or dream.
Going back to the introduction, after Galileo Galilei’s death, he was praised as the “father of observational astronomy, modern physics, scientific method, and modern science.” Pablo Picasso is one of the greatest “influential and famous artists of the twentieth century.” His art now costs millions of dollars, and he has his own exhibition despite being dead. Thomas Edison is described as “America’s greatest inventor” for the light bulb, the same one that was described as being a “fairytale.” All of these innovators were met by failure; however, their story did not end there.
In the end, they were accepted, praised, and acknowledged. The failure and the hardship that these inventors went through were what made them so highly praised. It takes courage and patience to lead and protect one’s dreams and ambitions. In reality, very few people manage to hold on.
(Courtesy of Hrzone)
The true winners are the innovators that manage to pull through the hardships and failures. Just like what seven wise men once said,
“The dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest...”